Cynthia Marsh
is a narrative artist. She uses large, hand-carved wood letters to begin a conversation that takes form in books, broadsides, and printed environments. As founder and director of the Goldsmith Press & Rare Type Collection @ Austin Peay State University, she invites people in the Clarksville / APSU community to express their opinions and tell their stories with APSU’s vast collection of wood type, Since its inception in 1997, the Goldsmith Press has received 16 local, regional, and / or federal grants to support community and student-centered projects.

Scholarly & Creative Activity
Recently Professor Marsh was a presenter & visiting artist at the 2018 NERAM Museum of Printing / Wimble’s Wayzgoose in Amidale, Australia; she the hosted the 2016 College Book Arts National Conference in Nashville, TN., lectured at the Museum of Modern Art – PS1, and presented at the Getty Center / Scripps College Symposium on the work of Ed Ruscha. Recent exhibitions include: Rising Together | Artists’ Books and Prints with a Social Conscience –traveling exhibition 2018 – 2021, Collective Geography – 2018 CBAA Juried Show, University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Chapters – LA County Craft & Folk Art Museum, Anthology – Frist Center in Nashville, Printwork 2017 – AIR in Pittsburg, PA, LA Pacific Standard Time – Otis College of Art + Design, Moore College of Art in Philadelphia, the Groilier’s Club in NYC, and Site: Brooklyn Gallery. Ms. Marsh has been an artist-in-residence at the KKV Grafik Studio in Malmo, Sweden, Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester, New York, 360 Xochi Quetzal in Chapala, MX, Warm Heart Papermaking Workshop in Arusha, Tanzania and at the Women’s Studio Workshop in Roslindale, NY.
For 20 years, before moving to Clarksville, Cynthia Marsh operated a vibrant freelance illustration and print studio in Los Angeles. Album covers she created for the music industry garnered Grammy nominations; her illustrations, limited edition prints, and artists’ books won numerous awards from professional arts organizations such as the Moveable Book Society, Los Angeles Advertising Club, the NYC Society of Illustrators, and the Women’s Studio Workshop. Creative work by Cynthia Marsh has been featured in U.S., British, and Japanese publications.

Commitment to Teaching
In Los Angeles Ms. Marsh taught courses in printmaking and design at the (historic) Woman’s Building where she founded and cultivated the Women’s Graphic Center. Cynthia Marsh accepted a tenured teaching assignment in print; and design at California State University, Northridge; she then took on a position as chair of the Communication Arts Department at Otis College of Art + Design in Los Angeles. In 1995, Cynthia Marsh moved to Clarksville, TN to become chair of the APSU Department of Art. In 2003, she stepped down from her administrative duties and reignited her commitment to the classroom and her studio practice as a printmaker and book artist. A proponent of collaborative and inter-disciplinary learning, Cynthia Marsh remains true to the shared narrative; a work of art is only as good as the story it has to tell.

Ms. Marsh can be reached by emailing her with your contact info . . . thx
Thank you!